Our goal is to make this website useful to you.

If there is one thing we hate, it’s getting to a website and not being able to find what we need.

That is second to thinking we have found what we need, but not being able to click on it without giving up my name, title, company, Facebook, Google etc., so the company can bombard my inbox.

Third and worst--downloading an eBook or article to read when/if we have the time, and having our phones rings 5 seconds later with a call from Zippy the enthusiastic sales associate.

We will ask you for your contact information and areas of interest at different places throughout the site. We do send out marketing emails with links to articles and updates, but you can opt out if you prefer. If you want to discuss a specific topic with us, we promise to connect you with someone who knows what they are talking about. No calls from Zippy, ever.